Thursday, April 17, 2008

The April Sesquipedalian

The April issue will be a little brief this time, what with recovery from surgery, tax time and other stuff, I've been unable to spend a lot of time on it - but that's all in the Ses. I hope to get it in the mail tomorrow.


gamma raise said...

Is there some reason to withhold posting the newsletter on this blog?

kcrazorback said...

No reason at all, I say. It could be quoted entirely inside a post. Or, send it to me and I could post it on a personal web page and post a link to it here in the blog.

TwinLawyerMommy said...
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TwinLawyerMommy said...

I vote for publishing the Seses online-only in order to save trees. You could send an e-mail to the family members when you post it reminding them to read the blog.

kcrazorback said...

And now twinlawyermommy will be changing her id to twinlawyergreenmommy.

HoltJR12 said...

I dunno... I'd like to see more of the family participating. Am I the only non-Tolleson on the blog?

kcrazorback said...

Agree that it should probably be sent out on paper for the forseeable future.

The other family members will eventually catch on to the blog, so don't get discouraged. Hey, it took a long time after we were using email before everyone was.

TwinLawyerMommy said...

I guess us Tollesons are just more tech-savvy. :)