Hi Guys: Some sort-of bad news for you. Today I had Polly put to sleep. Polly was our 11 year old Pomeranian. She was also my dog. I plan to write a short tribute to her and put it on my personal blog--but most of you knew her during her life and thought you'd want to know.
Polly had two medical conditions which both had gotten gradually worse over the years. For starters, she'd struggled with congestive heart failure for some time--just like in humans this meant her lungs couldn't generate enough oxygen to support the heart (it's almost like she'd been slowly drowning for years). Also, tracheal collapse which had gotten even worse recently meant that even if her lungs could have supported her heart, she couldn't get air to the lungs. Together, these two conditions made her quality of life almost nonexistent. See my blog in a few days for my tribute to her.
So sorry about Polly. We are missing Haley this summer a lot, too. They were good dogs!!
I posted my tribute to Polly on my personal blog: http://2enter1plus.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-very-hard-decision.html
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