Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rodney knee surgery update

This one is from Robert:

Subject: APB -- Rodney - Update

Thursday morning has brought a huge change in Dad’s condition. I stopped by for a quick hello on my way to work and when I got to his room I found someone who was restless and ready to go home. He looked great. Apparently, he turned a corner sometime in the middle of the night. His pain has subsided greatly and he may be on his way home tomorrow morning.

More info as it becomes available,


I stopped by the hospital this morning (Wednesday) on my way to work to see Dad. He had the operation yesterday afternoon and he seems to be recovering well. The pain was greater this time and the added medication is making him somewhat nauseas. He is in good sprits and was on his way to some physical therapy. I plan to stop by during lunch to visit some more. It is interesting that doctors are asking patients to write on themselves as a way of making sure they operate in the right place. Dad marked his previously operated knee with ‘Thanks’J

The number to his room is 703.391.4538.

Yours in passing the gossip,

Robert Holt

Chief Information Officer

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