Saturday, June 7, 2008

surgery update #4

This time it's from Barbara. I'll quote her email here:
Just talked with Mary by phone. I tried all last night to call the Rehab Hospital and the number was always busy. Same this morning. So I left a message on her voice mail to call me, and she finally checked it this morning and did.

She was sent to the Rehabilitation Hospital yesterday from the regular hospital, and thinks she is ready to come home already. Maybe she is. She's on a walker (with supervision) and had a shower this morning (wrapping her bandage in plastic wrap). She's been to the "gym" but feels she doesn't get enough one-on-one attention there. Maybe she would be better off with a home visiting therapist.

She hasn't seen her doctor since she's been in the Rehab part. When I asked her when she wanted to come home she said she was ready now, but I'm sure she'll have to check with him to get released. I don't expect a call in the next few hours, but I told her to give me three hours notice and I'd come pick her up.

She thinks she can stay in her house now, with Sharla's help, and maybe she's right. But she won't be able to drive for a little while, I'm sure. When I talked with the doctor after her surgery he said She's young and she'll be right up, and I guess he's right. On the other hand, she may be over-estimating her ability to be independent right now, too...

SO -- bottom line is, Mary is doing great and is ready to come home, but we'll wait and see what the doctor has to say about that.

If you want to call her in the Rehab Hospital, her private room number is (deleted). But you'd better do it fast -- I think she's ready to break out of there!! Good thing I have her drivers license, and good thing her car is in Mineral Springs or she might just hobble home today...


P. S. Rodney, you're next!!

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