Sunday, June 8, 2008

surgery update #5

OK, it was a rough weekend. Everything seems to be fine now, but we've survived a rough weekend.

Short version: Mary left the rehab facility on Saturday and returned Sunday morning. She seems to be physically fine.

Long version: The weekend crew at the rehab hospital just did not do a good job with Mary on Saturday. They prescribed the wrong exercises--they didn't listen to her--they did some things that bruised her--the physician on rounds didn't listen to her and even chastised her for things the staff failed to do. She had a right to be angry and chose to leave the rehab facility--a process that took most of the day Saturday.

Saturday evening (back home in M.S.), she was not able to get all of her medications locally. She called her doctor who ordered her to go to the nearest emergency room. She did go to the er at Nashville late Saturday night. They got her medicated correctly and sent her home with a plan to return to the rehab facility on Sunday.

She did return Sunday morning. She still seems to be doing well.

My take: Mom was right to be angry--I don't blame her one bit for leaving. Her healthcare, however, will be best served by staying as long as necessary. We should pray for her continued recovery as well as for proper healthcare from her hospital. Mom, I'm proud of you for returning. Way to go.

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