This is the picture J.R. sent out with his holiday greetings e-mail. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
family blog spotlight
Again, it's been a while since we had any new content, so here is another spotlight on a family member's blog.
If you don't want to know more about the life of a potty training lawyer mother of twins who lives near the mountains two doors down from Grandma, you're probably not interested in C. Jaye's blog, everyone else check it out here. It has recently been facelifted (the blog, not the twinlawyermommy).
My personal feeling is that the words are out of order. We don't yet know if she'll ever be the mother of twin lawyers and I'm pretty sure she's not the twin of another lawyer mommy. Oh well, I guess was taken.
If you don't want to know more about the life of a potty training lawyer mother of twins who lives near the mountains two doors down from Grandma, you're probably not interested in C. Jaye's blog, everyone else check it out here. It has recently been facelifted (the blog, not the twinlawyermommy).
My personal feeling is that the words are out of order. We don't yet know if she'll ever be the mother of twin lawyers and I'm pretty sure she's not the twin of another lawyer mommy. Oh well, I guess was taken.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
five year old photographer
Youngest Tolleson (non-twin category) was turned loose at the park Tuesday night with a digital camera. Click here to see Susan's blog post for the slide show.
Friday, September 5, 2008
jtm holt and arkansas state
Another good example of things that should be posted on the family blog:
Story told to Lions Club...09/03/2008: In 1863, our grandfather, J.T.M. Holt was born. He grew up to be a very successful farmer, businessman, County Agent, school teacher, and he spent eight years in the Arkansas State Legislature. Among the bills he authored was one creating the State Junior College System in the early part of the 20th Century. There was one college established in each of the four corners of the state. The one from the NE corner put their football players on a rickety rackety old bus and drove down to College Station, Tx, and on over to Kyle Field last Saturday, where they beat the "snot" out of Texas A&M University! 18-14 Yea..Red Wolves! formerly, Indians!
Thanks Hank
Story told to Lions Club...09/03/2008: In 1863, our grandfather, J.T.M. Holt was born. He grew up to be a very successful farmer, businessman, County Agent, school teacher, and he spent eight years in the Arkansas State Legislature. Among the bills he authored was one creating the State Junior College System in the early part of the 20th Century. There was one college established in each of the four corners of the state. The one from the NE corner put their football players on a rickety rackety old bus and drove down to College Station, Tx, and on over to Kyle Field last Saturday, where they beat the "snot" out of Texas A&M University! 18-14 Yea..Red Wolves! formerly, Indians!
Thanks Hank
Monday, September 1, 2008
the gurdon light
Here's an interesting resource for Arkansas history. Check out this entry re the Gurdon Light.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
family blog spotlight
We haven't had much content update lately. So, here's a spotlight on one of our family member blogs. I have found Michelle's blog to be open and honest and interesting. I hope she finds more time to publish more posts.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Dear 'ole Mineral's goin' Green!
And you just thought Shawnee was so great. Mom, are you SURE you want to move?! :)
See this story from the Nashville Leader.
See this story from the Nashville Leader.
old news

This news item appeared in the Texarkana Gazette two years ago. I couldn't find it archived, but did save this version on my computer at the time. Check it out.
Justin, are you still playing football?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
best places to live
This just in from Money magazine. Shawnee, KS is the #39 place to live in their top 100. But notice the 2nd paragraph about Shawnee Town. My beautiful wife of 19+ years is the volunteer coordinator for Shawnee Town. Good job, Susan. Ah, but wouldn't you know it, we were beaten out by #37, Reston, VA.
I also noticed recently that Forbes named Johnson County, KS the #3 county in which to raise a family.
As a family living in Shawnee and Johnson County, Kansas, we agree that this is both a great place to live and raise a family.
I also noticed recently that Forbes named Johnson County, KS the #3 county in which to raise a family.
As a family living in Shawnee and Johnson County, Kansas, we agree that this is both a great place to live and raise a family.
goodbye polly
Hi Guys: Some sort-of bad news for you. Today I had Polly put to sleep. Polly was our 11 year old Pomeranian. She was also my dog. I plan to write a short tribute to her and put it on my personal blog--but most of you knew her during her life and thought you'd want to know.
Polly had two medical conditions which both had gotten gradually worse over the years. For starters, she'd struggled with congestive heart failure for some time--just like in humans this meant her lungs couldn't generate enough oxygen to support the heart (it's almost like she'd been slowly drowning for years). Also, tracheal collapse which had gotten even worse recently meant that even if her lungs could have supported her heart, she couldn't get air to the lungs. Together, these two conditions made her quality of life almost nonexistent. See my blog in a few days for my tribute to her.
Friday, July 11, 2008
gurdon times are good times
Periodically, I like to post things by, for or about family members that can be found online like this story in the Gurdon Times.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
independence day tribute
I have published a letter to the editor that Dad had published in the Nashville News. This Independence Day, if you knew and loved Brooks Tolleson check out this tribute from his son.
It was written for Veterans Day, but I just couldn't wait. May your 4th go off with a bang--or several thousand.
It was written for Veterans Day, but I just couldn't wait. May your 4th go off with a bang--or several thousand.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
racecar is a palindrome
Periodically, I'll post something related to family members that I find on the Web. In this search, I have discovered that there are racecar drivers named "Grey Tolleson" and "Andy Holt."
Suspecting that they are not our 'real' Holts, I instead offer you this news item from the Canyon News.
Suspecting that they are not our 'real' Holts, I instead offer you this news item from the Canyon News.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Re: Mary's Surgery
It's amazing to me how much misinformation can be transmitted via the web. If you want the true story, give me a call.
More importantly, I made my retirement official last Friday. All the bosses were out of town, so they'll be the last to find out. I was filled with trepidation as I handed in my letter, but the very minute I did, I felt pure joy. NO WORKSHOPS ALL SUMMER!
It's amazing to me how much misinformation can be transmitted via the web. If you want the true story, give me a call.
More importantly, I made my retirement official last Friday. All the bosses were out of town, so they'll be the last to find out. I was filled with trepidation as I handed in my letter, but the very minute I did, I felt pure joy. NO WORKSHOPS ALL SUMMER!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Rodney knee surgery update
This one is from Robert:
Subject: APB -- Rodney - Update
Thursday morning has brought a huge change in Dads condition. I stopped by for a quick hello on my way to work and when I got to his room I found someone who was restless and ready to go home. He looked great. Apparently, he turned a corner sometime in the middle of the night. His pain has subsided greatly and he may be on his way home tomorrow morning.
More info as it becomes available,
I stopped by the hospital this morning (Wednesday) on my way to work to see Dad. He had the operation yesterday afternoon and he seems to be recovering well. The pain was greater this time and the added medication is making him somewhat nauseas. He is in good sprits and was on his way to some physical therapy. I plan to stop by during lunch to visit some more. It is interesting that doctors are asking patients to write on themselves as a way of making sure they operate in the right place. Dad marked his previously operated knee with ThanksJ
The number to his room is 703.391.4538.
Yours in passing the gossip,
Robert Holt
Chief Information Officer
Mary update #7
She's home now and doing great. Family friend Sharla Autrey is staying with her to help for a while.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mary surgery update #6
She's done all of the physical therapy they've expected of her. It seems that her yoga training has paid off big time in recovery. Now, it's just a matter of putting in the time. They said today that she'll go home on Thursday. Yeah, mom.
Uncle Rod--let us know how you're doing. If I get an email I'll post it here.
Uncle Rod--let us know how you're doing. If I get an email I'll post it here.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
surgery update #5
OK, it was a rough weekend. Everything seems to be fine now, but we've survived a rough weekend.
Short version: Mary left the rehab facility on Saturday and returned Sunday morning. She seems to be physically fine.
Long version: The weekend crew at the rehab hospital just did not do a good job with Mary on Saturday. They prescribed the wrong exercises--they didn't listen to her--they did some things that bruised her--the physician on rounds didn't listen to her and even chastised her for things the staff failed to do. She had a right to be angry and chose to leave the rehab facility--a process that took most of the day Saturday.
Saturday evening (back home in M.S.), she was not able to get all of her medications locally. She called her doctor who ordered her to go to the nearest emergency room. She did go to the er at Nashville late Saturday night. They got her medicated correctly and sent her home with a plan to return to the rehab facility on Sunday.
She did return Sunday morning. She still seems to be doing well.
My take: Mom was right to be angry--I don't blame her one bit for leaving. Her healthcare, however, will be best served by staying as long as necessary. We should pray for her continued recovery as well as for proper healthcare from her hospital. Mom, I'm proud of you for returning. Way to go.
Short version: Mary left the rehab facility on Saturday and returned Sunday morning. She seems to be physically fine.
Long version: The weekend crew at the rehab hospital just did not do a good job with Mary on Saturday. They prescribed the wrong exercises--they didn't listen to her--they did some things that bruised her--the physician on rounds didn't listen to her and even chastised her for things the staff failed to do. She had a right to be angry and chose to leave the rehab facility--a process that took most of the day Saturday.
Saturday evening (back home in M.S.), she was not able to get all of her medications locally. She called her doctor who ordered her to go to the nearest emergency room. She did go to the er at Nashville late Saturday night. They got her medicated correctly and sent her home with a plan to return to the rehab facility on Sunday.
She did return Sunday morning. She still seems to be doing well.
My take: Mom was right to be angry--I don't blame her one bit for leaving. Her healthcare, however, will be best served by staying as long as necessary. We should pray for her continued recovery as well as for proper healthcare from her hospital. Mom, I'm proud of you for returning. Way to go.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
surgery update #4
This time it's from Barbara. I'll quote her email here:
Just talked with Mary by phone. I tried all last night to call the Rehab Hospital and the number was always busy. Same this morning. So I left a message on her voice mail to call me, and she finally checked it this morning and did.
She was sent to the Rehabilitation Hospital yesterday from the regular hospital, and thinks she is ready to come home already. Maybe she is. She's on a walker (with supervision) and had a shower this morning (wrapping her bandage in plastic wrap). She's been to the "gym" but feels she doesn't get enough one-on-one attention there. Maybe she would be better off with a home visiting therapist.
She hasn't seen her doctor since she's been in the Rehab part. When I asked her when she wanted to come home she said she was ready now, but I'm sure she'll have to check with him to get released. I don't expect a call in the next few hours, but I told her to give me three hours notice and I'd come pick her up.
She thinks she can stay in her house now, with Sharla's help, and maybe she's right. But she won't be able to drive for a little while, I'm sure. When I talked with the doctor after her surgery he said She's young and she'll be right up, and I guess he's right. On the other hand, she may be over-estimating her ability to be independent right now, too...
SO -- bottom line is, Mary is doing great and is ready to come home, but we'll wait and see what the doctor has to say about that.
If you want to call her in the Rehab Hospital, her private room number is (deleted). But you'd better do it fast -- I think she's ready to break out of there!! Good thing I have her drivers license, and good thing her car is in Mineral Springs or she might just hobble home today...
P. S. Rodney, you're next!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
surgery update #3 -- rehab
Mary has been moved to the rehab facility. You can use her cell phone number to call her now. I won't list it here to avoid malicious trolling for phone numbers. If you need it contact me. Family members, it is listed in the family directory.
She's doing very well, walking and anticipates getting home some time next week. I kind of hope it's a little longer than that to give her more time to recover. I'd say C. Jaye's prayer worked.
She's doing very well, walking and anticipates getting home some time next week. I kind of hope it's a little longer than that to give her more time to recover. I'd say C. Jaye's prayer worked.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
knee surgery update #2 (wednesday a.m.)
C. Jaye spoke to Mary and Barbara. Here is her update:
I got the update from Barbara this morning, and she's doing a little better. The doctors had to put her on 3 different pain medicines because of reactions. She is now on Demerol and it seems to be the best one. I talked to her, too, and she's in a pretty good amount of pain, but seemed to be in fairly good spirits, considering. I told her I would pray that God would heal her as fast as if she had the body of a 16-year-old. She laughed.
The direct number to reach her room is (I think it changed as of Thursday--I'll post a new update when I have more--Greg).
Hope you-all have a great day!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
mary's knee surgery update
I just talked with my mom and with Barbara. Mom said she's doing good. She was still in quite a bit of pain and couldn't really talk a lot.
Surgery was a success. It turned out to be very necessary--she was down to just bone on bone in the knee. The surgery, however, was quite a bit more complicated than expected. It was also more painful than expected and she had something of a deficit in post-op pain medication this afternoon, but is back on it now.
Barbara is with her and will stay the night with her. They're at St. Michael's in Texarkana and I won't leave the contact info here, but if you need it, just call me.
Barbara, thank you so very much for just being there. You're a great patient advocate (and a great sister, too, I'm sure).
Pray that Mary's pain will subside and that she'll recover quickly. Thanks. Greg
Surgery was a success. It turned out to be very necessary--she was down to just bone on bone in the knee. The surgery, however, was quite a bit more complicated than expected. It was also more painful than expected and she had something of a deficit in post-op pain medication this afternoon, but is back on it now.
Barbara is with her and will stay the night with her. They're at St. Michael's in Texarkana and I won't leave the contact info here, but if you need it, just call me.
Barbara, thank you so very much for just being there. You're a great patient advocate (and a great sister, too, I'm sure).
Pray that Mary's pain will subside and that she'll recover quickly. Thanks. Greg
My News Story
No cool pictures, but here's a link to a court case I helped to win recently: Daily Camera news story.
Monday, June 2, 2008
run forrest run

In order to build some interest and establish some content for our old family blog here, I thought it might be nice to go out and find Web stuff of interest to, for, by or about family. So, I present here the West Coast Chicken Run 2007. It is definitely one of the more interesting Web sites I've found--and not just because I happen to be in one of the pictures. So, check it out and answer this question: What is John "Uncle Rodney" Holt doing to this tree?
If that leaves you hungry for more history, check out the larger Chicken Run site.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Mary's News
There may be a few of you who are unaware that Grey had a daughter before he and Michelle met. Her name is Megan Chandler, and she and Grey met for the first time in April at my house. Megan is a nineteen-year-old, striking blond with big blue eyes. Michelle and Megan communicate fairly regularly, and Michelle told me that Megan's (other) stepmom passed away on Saturday.
Megan seems to be interested in having a relationship with our family. Justin and Hailey are her only biological siblings. I know each of you will welcome her with open arms when that time comes.
Knee Knews
Chapter 2
June 3. That's my planned knee replacement surgery. I dread it, but other circumstances have enabled me to ignore that date looming in my near future. I have been in yoga classes to improve my strength, agility, and stamina. It has worked, and I've even lost a couple of pounds.
The question mark has to stay for a while, but I am thinking very seriously about it. I have a long list of pros and cons, but the positive outweighs the neg. If I do, I will probably move to Colorado to help with the twins for a couple of years, taxiing between there, KC, and Big D.
Catch ya' later, alligator.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
the big one did not get away
This just (reeled) in from HoltJR12:
My first outing after 3-11 (Knee surgery day) was a trip with my friend Bob-the-boat-owner (That's not him in the photo. That's one of Bob's other friends.) The fish was 38 inches long and weighed over 30 pounds. It was the hardest fight I ever had with a striper. It was caught in about 50' of water but due to other boats in the area, the inexperienced boat driver (the other guy in the picture) had steered the boat into 100' water. Of course the fish headed straight for the bottom. Didn't think I would ever get it back up!
I was dog tired when I got home but managed to get up enough energy to cook some of it. "Same day fish" is always the best.
Man I love being a member of this family.
Friday, April 25, 2008
get out and play
Here's a little addictive game for fun: Get Out and Play.
Keep watching the little intro video and then play the game. It's based on the old Breakout video game from three decades ago, or, for you younger folks, just like Brick Breaker on your Blackberry.
Have fun
Keep watching the little intro video and then play the game. It's based on the old Breakout video game from three decades ago, or, for you younger folks, just like Brick Breaker on your Blackberry.
Have fun
Monday, April 21, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sometimes You Just Gotta Love Louisiana
Shreveport authorities raided an organized dog fight. They confiscated $4,000 which was donated to the Humane Society's animal shelter. Ah, sweet justice.
The April Sesquipedalian
The April issue will be a little brief this time, what with recovery from surgery, tax time and other stuff, I've been unable to spend a lot of time on it - but that's all in the Ses. I hope to get it in the mail tomorrow.
time for a fish fry

A mess of Holts holding a mess of catfish--Good job James! And, um, really good job to the three pictured HH's who actually caught the fish!
See this recently posted thread on POND BOSS magazine's forums which shows that some family traditions are alive and well.
It's not even 11 and I am so hungry right now.
Monday, April 7, 2008
rock, chalk, jayhawk, ku
Tonight, the Kansas Jayhawks will play for the national basketball championship. Go Hawks!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's so Scrabulous
Ok. I'll start off with a VERY controversial topic--not religion or politics--reunions. To the readers who do not know much about our family, the Holts hold "Family Re-Onions" every two to three years. I propose we have a contest to see who can come up with the best memory.
In case you are drawing a blank, possible story ideas may include: Hank's "shortcuts", fried turkey, ice cream in West Virginia, "Me" meals, Great-Grandkid talent competition, Grandmother Holt and the Grandkids white water rafting, Grandmother and a swimming pool, peaches, tomatoes, horseback riding or fishing. Of course, who can leave out Scrabble or clothespins and marbles?!
Of course, there's always the problem of who should get to be the judge. Maybe Aunt Barbara?
In case you are drawing a blank, possible story ideas may include: Hank's "shortcuts", fried turkey, ice cream in West Virginia, "Me" meals, Great-Grandkid talent competition, Grandmother Holt and the Grandkids white water rafting, Grandmother and a swimming pool, peaches, tomatoes, horseback riding or fishing. Of course, who can leave out Scrabble or clothespins and marbles?!
Of course, there's always the problem of who should get to be the judge. Maybe Aunt Barbara?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
last all-tolleson picture
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
new blog title and url
I will send you each an email announcing the launch of our new blog. There was no 'nay' vote on my idea--only tweaks. So, here is our new blog with its new url:
Have fun!
Have fun!
Friday, February 29, 2008
a home for holts to blog
Hey Holts--It's just a proposal, but I thought it might be nice to have one place where we can all blog about family stuff, share news, whatever. Think of it as an online supplement to the real Sesquipedalian. The idea occurred to me as I was reading my own blog post about the Sesquipedalian. Comment here to let me know what you think about this idea.
Also, if someone is offended by my choice of URL, I will quickly change it to something else. I did think, however, that would be cute as well as very easy to remember.
I'll be happy to be the admin. But all of you can be authors and post on this blog. It's just that I have to add you as authors. If you guys think it's a good idea, let me know by commenting here and I'll add you all as authors. Greg
Also, if someone is offended by my choice of URL, I will quickly change it to something else. I did think, however, that would be cute as well as very easy to remember.
I'll be happy to be the admin. But all of you can be authors and post on this blog. It's just that I have to add you as authors. If you guys think it's a good idea, let me know by commenting here and I'll add you all as authors. Greg
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